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Selectmen Minutes 05/07/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
May 7, 2013     

Members present:  Jeff Jordan, Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio
Others present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Nikki Roy, Betty Thompson, Dave Joslyn, Donna Chagnon, Anne Davis, Philip Hitchcock, John Harkness, Dave Colbert, Thomas Houle, Allen Mayville, Jason Weir, John Martell, Pat Clarke, Michele Plunkett, Jim Plunkett, Bette Bogdan, James Place

Chairman Jordan opened the meeting at 6:00pm.  


Sanborn Head and Associates:  There are three residences that have been effected by salt.  Those residences were invited to this meeting for a question and answer session with a representative from Sanborn, Head and Assoc. available.  Nikki Roy reviewed the options available for potable water.  It was determined that a community type system would be expensive in the range of $300K.  Mr. Harkness stated that he has a Reverse Osmosis system and has not been happy with the taste of the water.  Ms. Roy said that RO systems have come a long way and people seem to be happy with them.  

There was a discussion about good housekeeping practices at the salt shed.  The Board would like Sanborn, Head, and Associates to prepare RFP for companies to submit proposals on available options. There was a discussion about the State fixing the ditch near the Thompson residence so the water does not collect there.  There was a question about whether the water was safe for pets.  Ms. Roy reported that according to the EPA there are no health effects for consumption of water with sodium chloride present.   The Board hopes to have the RFPs out by the end of May.  The Board will meet at the salt shed on Thursday the 9th to do a walk around inspection.

Jim Plunkett:  Jim has begun the process of sealing the inside of the salt shed.   Jim is also researching pricing for methods of diverting the water off of the roof.  CLD is coming out next week to price an engineering review for the storage rack.  There was a discussion about storing salt outside.  Mr. Jordan said that material has already been brought in.  

The Board asked Jim why the bid process was not followed for Canterbury Road.  Jim said that the policy allows the exempting of the bid process with a vendor used in the last 6 months or a vendor from the state bid list.  It was noted that only the Board of Selectmen can make the exception not the Department Head.  Mr. Plunkett said the Board knew about the shim and overlay from the budget meetings.  There were many who felt that the Canterbury Road work was a big project and should have been discussed with the Board.  Mr. Colbert pointed out that Continental paving was used in the past 6 months, but they were not subjected to the bid process then either.  Mr. Weir feels the Board should be stricter with the Department Heads.  Mr. DeBold stated that he feels the town was under the impression the road would be just shimmed and he asked Jim to explain.  Jim said that the shim and overlay would last longer until 2018.  Just a shim would have to be done in twice that time.  Mr. Paveglio asked how much a shim would cost and Mr. Plunkett did not have the answer.  Mr. Paveglio said that these projects need to go through the bid process and come before the Board in April not May and June.  Mr. Paveglio asked why Continental was used for East Ricker Road when the Town already had a contract with R&D.  Mr. Plunkett said that R&D broke their contract.  R&D was not going to honor their quoted price.  Jim also felt it was getting to be a safety issue since it was getting very late in the year.  He said R&D kept putting him off.  Mr. Weir was adamant that there be consequences for the Road Agent and asked the Board what they would be.  There was a discussion about consequences for a Road Agent.  It was discussed that the money could be pulled out of his budget and discretion.  He could also be sent home and not be paid.

Mr. Plunkett asked about the $400K fire truck that did not go out to bid.  Mr. Paveglio stated that the Fire Department discussed it with the Board it just was not in the minutes.  The Board agreed that they discussed it and made a decision that was not recorded in the minutes.  Nancy mentioned that the Board recognizes the purchasing has not been followed perfectly and a few weeks ago the Board issued a written directive to the Department Heads about being responsible for following the policy.

Mr. Weir asked about parking equipment in the salt shed.  He said the loader was parked there all winter and the Board said they instructed the Road Agent not to park equipment in the shed.  Jim said it was parked in the doorway.  

Other Business

Police Cruiser Purchase:  Chief Clarke said that Hillsboro Ford won the state bid for the 2013 cruisers; however he would like to use Grappone instead because with what they will offer him for the trade the Grappone pricing is lower for the Town.  The Chief did get three quotations and Grappone was the best value.  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to award the cruiser purchase to Grappone Ford for $25,848 and a $5,000 trade-allowance for a cost of $20,848.  Motion passed.

The Board asked to go into nonpublic session with the Chief to discuss a personnel issue.  Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to enter into a nonpublic session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a) at 7:47.  Roll call vote was unanimous.

Mr. DeBold made a motion to exit the nonpublic session at 8:03; seconded by Mr. Paveglio.  Roll call vote was unanimous.

Evelyn Pike entered the meeting to witness the Board’s signature on the documents for the Tax Anticipation Note.  Nancy provided a deed for McFarland’s property.  The Board tabled the signing for one week to allow the financial transaction to complete.

The Board wanted to go back into a nonpublic session with Jim Plunkett to discuss a personnel issue.  Per RSA 91-A:3 II (a) Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to enter in a nonpublic session to discuss a personnel issue.  Roll call vote was unanimous.  

Mr. DeBold made a motion to exit the nonpublic session at 8:45.  Mr. Paveglio seconded the motion.  Roll call vote was unanimous.

The Board wanted to go into nonpublic session to review nonpublic minutes and decide whether or not to unseal the minutes per a request.

Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to enter in a nonpublic session to discuss nonpublic session minutes per RSA 91-A:3 II (a, b, c and e).  Roll call vote was unanimous.  

Mr. DeBold made a motion to exit the nonpublic session at 8:55.  Mr. Paveglio seconded the motion.  Roll call vote was unanimous.

No decision was made.

The minutes of the nonpublic session were sealed indefinitely.

Appointments:  Mr. Paveglio made a motion to re-appoint Blaze Konefal and Dawn Marshall to the Conservation Commission term to expire in 2016 and to appoint Frank Harrison to the open full member position.  Mr. DeBold seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Planning Board:  The Planning Board Chair is unable to attend a Selectmen’s meeting.  Mr. Jordan will relay the wishes of the Board to the Planning Board.  Their appointment decisions will stand.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 9:10.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Approved when signed
Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      _________________________
Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman                Mike Paveglio                                  Richard DeBold